.Today as I lye down on our normal-cow-sized bed..it dawned on me the day i took my urine test.And found out that I am preggy.We are both so happy.Tearfully thanking and praising GOD for HIS time.To mention that we 've been waiting for a year and half.we prayed together and that thesame day..amazing things happened and somethings changed..We are now parents.
"Father GOD, we thank you for your marvellous gift; you have allowed us to share in your divine parenthood. During this time of waiting, we ask you to protect and nurture these first mysterious stirrings of life. May our child come safely into the light of the world and to the new birth of baptism.We entrust our child to your loving heart and trusting your wonderful and great plans for this baby and for us. Amen."
oi cacute nila oi...